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While interviewing Darby Marie Mckay I learned much about her, To start off she’s from Custer and owns a cat named Spike. This is her last year in high school, and she has joined the Windward Howler as the editor-in-chief. She’s a Ravenclaw rainbow who loves ocean creatures such as octopuses. She plans to move around a lot, either every year or once every two years. She hopes to become a history teacher for a future career. While she hates small spaces, the dark and country music she loves writing and ceramics. Lastly, her hobbies include reading sci-fi books, watching Family Guy, playing Super Smash Bros and listening to Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Editor-in-Chief, Writer, Ravenclaw


Joseph Fisher is a 15-year-old sophomore at Windward. He also sometimes goes by Joey or Joe. Joseph’s job in the paper is co-editor. His favorite food is ravioli. He enjoys drumming and is even in his own band, White Noise, which has written two original songs. Preferring puppies over kittens, he even has his own dog named Zoey who resembles Toto from The Wizard of Oz. His older brother also attended Windward his senior year, and thanks to his influence, Joseph has been here since the first day of his freshman year. Joseph is excited for winter quarter and hopes to take Psychology. In the future, Joseph would love to pursue a career as a psychologist or therapist. One thing that Joseph wants to see change at Windward is the amount of participation in school activities.

Co-Editor, Writer, Slytherin


Some of you may know Breton for her caring personality, or her extreme amounts of extroversion. But there is still a lot we don’t know about her. Breton is a senior here at Windward. It is her second year, although she only spend a year and a half at Ferndale. Her hobbies consist of acting, music, giving advice, and exercise. When asked to specify exercise she said “I really like yoga namaste” Breton sometimes likes to live on edge. One time she even dyed her hair blue. Being the lovable oddball Breton is she sometimes even dreams of weird things. She dream she can fly and other things that don’t make sense to her. Although in the future Breton sees herself graduated from college as a psychologist, with a minor in the Performing Arts, and she would also like to adopt two children. Excitingly for all of you Animal Rights Activists out there Breton is also a vegetarian and Animal Rights Activist. We have already mentioned Breton being a lovable oddball but when asked to describe herself she said she was a generous dork. Although she sometimes can be we still love her.

Multimedia Specialist, Writer, Hufflepuff


Sierra is a sophomore writer for the Windward Howler who feels that The Windward Howler will keep people informed of what is going on throughout the community of Windward and who wishes Windward would get a bigger building. Sierra originally came to Windward because of the smaller community and she wanted to be herself. Her favorite pastime is sleeping, but she also enjoys classic rock, reading A Tale Dark And Grim a book that portrays a twisted outlook on Hansel and Gretel, watching the anime Heaven’s Lost Property, the TV show Archer, and drawing.

Writer, Photojournalist, Hufflepuff


Meet Ariannah, a brilliant writer and photojournalist for the Windward Howler, preferred pronoun is they. Ariannah is a unique person with an interest in psychology for a future career. Ariannah decided to skip over the average high school crowd and join Windward’s community after hearing about it from a friend. Along with being a big fan of Supernatural (team Dean!), Ariannah is a Harry Potter lover. Dedicated to the end, Ari decided to name all three of their cats and one dog Harry Potter themed names. Ariannah loves munching on popcorn watching their favorite movie, If I Stay, their favorite season is the end of fall because winter sucks and summer is too much, and their birthday is October 14th! Ariannah decided to be part of the newspaper because writing can be cool.

Writer, Photogrounalist, Ravenclaw


Lyric is a senior at Windward who transferred from Ferndale High School in order to enjoy the small-school atmosphere and being with her friends. As her name may suggest, Lyric is a poet. She also enjoys coloring. Last year, she decided to combine her two passions by filling her Lisa Frank coloring book with corresponding haikus. If Lyric ever drank radioactive ocean water and developed a superpower, it would be fire manipulation because she thinks fire is really neat. Lyric would love to one day summon the courage to cliff jump. If she could choose anywhere in the world to live, it would be New York City, because although she enjoys the cozy familiarity a small community provides, she has been drawn to the city lights since she was a child.

Art Editor, Writer, Hufflepuff


Mya Pederson is a tenth grade student here at Windward, a sophomore. Her favorite type of music is pop, preferably the pop princess herself, Taylor Swift. Mya’s dream place to live, surprisingly enough, is here in Ferndale. She decided to come to Windward due to the fact that it was different from other schools. When asked about how she enjoyed the school itself she stated, “I love it.” If she could be any animal she answered with “a wolf, oh, or a dragon!” In ten years Mya sees herself going to college. Her favorite book is The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Mya’s role in the paper is, writer and visual designer. When asked about her favorite movie, she paused, then finally answered “does the Back to the Future trilogy count?” Her favorite anime is Hetalia. I asked about her favorite food and she said, “I can’t remember the specific name of it, but it’s a pasta. I do enjoy pasta.” Her favorite season is winter. She smiled when asked about why she joined the paper, “I wanted to write things, it seemed fun to me.”

Writer, Visual Designer, Gryffindor


Tegan’s job for the paper is the overseer.There are some questions I asked her just to get to know her more as well as offering some insights on one of the student teachers here at Windward. As a student of hers, I would like to share some of the questions I asked her. The first thing I learned about her, is that her favorite animal is an orca even though she finds them terrifying.  Even though she’s afraid of them, she dreams of one day kayaking with a pod of orcas. Following that, I learned that her dream is to someday buy a castle, where she would be headmistress. It would be a muggle version of Hogwarts. She’d own a herd of miniature ponies as well as a mechanical loch ness monster that greeted people as they approached the castle. She would make sure that no children were left disappointed and everyone received their Hogwarts letters.

Overseer, Ravenclaw

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