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Technology and Mental Ilnesses

The artificial light of television, computer, and phone screens can prevent us from being able to sleep. Yet, is technology doing much worse things to our mental health?

Many scientists have done multiple studies on the effects of technology on our mental well-being. With us being teenagers and all, we’re at the age where we use technology the most. Those cell phones that are always attached at our hip could actually be doing more harm than help.

It was found that heavy cell phone use can increase sleep disorders and depression symptoms. Computers can also increase sleep disorders, mostly in men. While computers can increase both stress and depressive symptoms mostly in women.

Why is that though? I believe it is due to overuse, rather than the technology itself. Overusing technology can become a huge problem for both the user and others, even becoming possibly hazardous. If technology affects your sleep, then that lack of sleep will cause stress, which will then cause depressing thoughts.

It’s something that’s hard to be argued against. You also have to understand that with a phone, you must text responsibly. That means knowing when to text, and what to text.

You get the idea. Know when to turn off your electronics. If you’re having a tough day, don’t scroll through Facebook, seeing how happy everyone else is compared to yourself.

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