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Loving is More than Just

For most, the month of February is about love, whether you are in a relationship and happy with whoever you are with, or you are feeling really lonely, seeing everyone in a relationship be really happy. Love is a big part of this month. Although I will not deny that being in a relationship with someone you love is great, this month is also for people who are single and have to watch everyone else. Right now, you are likely feeling really lonely and watching other couples be happy, rubbing it in everyone’s faces, probably isn’t helping. Yet February is about love, not relationships. Love can vary in so many ways. What if we took love to a whole other level? What if love was about loving yourself? What if the word love meant loving the people around you? What if it meant loving your planet? Most people don't ever thinks of that when they think about February. People always think about how lonely they are, or their significant other. Nevertheless, the word love applies to so much more than that. This month, instead of feeling lonely, learn how to love yourself. Even if you do already love yourself, learn how to put yourself before others. Not in a conceited way, but rather take some time to focus on yourself.. So many people don’t take their own feelings seriously. They feel like their friends are the priority, but that’s not how it should be. This month, meditate, look at yourself in the mirror every morning and say, “I love you, I love who you are, and you’re perfect as you are.” Even if you don’t believe it, you will feel better about yourself. You, and how you feel about yourself, should be your number one priority. You don’t need to worry about anyone else. If you are convinced you can’t love yourself, or that it won’t help, than focus on loving the people around you. The likelihood is that your friends and family cherish you more than anyone else. For those of you with families that make you feel like an outcast, like you’re not good enough, I sincerely apologize. Nonetheless, just because your family doesn’t know how to treat you, or how to show you that they care, that doesn’t mean that someone else out there doesn’t love you. Think about your friends, think of people you could benefit just by being around. Not only that, but why not write a heartfelt note to a friend, or a parent? Or give a homeless person some change. It’s more about expressing that you care, and making people feel better about themselves, than it is about doing random things that seem pointless. If you can’t, or don’t want to, what about loving your environment? What about loving our planet? This is the only home we get, and yet everyday people litter, put recycling in the garbage, or throw food away. This month, love your planet. Put your garbage in a proper dispenser, not on the ground, or out a window. Recycle. You can recycle almost anything; plastic, paper, and cans can all be recycled. Compost. Don’t throw your food in the garbage, put the fruit peels, or core in a compost bin. Basically anything you couldn’t finish other than meat and bread can go in a compost. Take care of your earth, you may not care all that much, but everyone lives here, and it matters. February has this stereotype to have love be about loving someone, but it could be about loving anything. Love does not have restrictions n'or a description. Nothing can get in the way of you showing love. Love and appreciate the people around you. Love and appreciate yourself. Most of all, love and appreciate your planet. It’s the only home you get to live on.

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