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Leap Day

Leap day was invented so that every year could include 365 days, and an extra one every four years to include extra hours.

Leap Day is so big in some countries that there are even some laws in place surrounding it. It is so intriguing, even though it is only one day.

In some countries, women are allowed to propose only on Leap Day. Not many women take the opportunity, as they may be shamed or ridiculed if they propose. Some women do take the risk though, as they got tired of years of waiting for their significant other to propose.

Leap Days can be very exciting, as they are a change in the norms of everyday life. I can only imagine what it’s like to be born on that day. A fun fact is: while you may be born on February 29th, your birthday is counted by the government on March 1st.

In America for the most part, Leap Year doesn’t really affect us, it’s just an extra day we’re busy working. Leap Day doesn’t even count in court, if you’re sentenced to a yearlong sentence, you must serve the extra day.

Sir James Milne Wilson was born on a leap day, and died on a leap day, he died at the age of 17 (68.)

Enjoy your Leap Day everybody!

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