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Life Hacks for High Schoolers

Now, we all want ways to make high school, and life in general, go way smoother. So I’m here to tell you some life hacks made especially for you as high schoolers. Some of these may seem weird, but you’ll just have to try them for yourself.

When writing an essay for a class, don’t use google. Use It will give you much more relevant information. Another thing to do when writing an essay is to set a timer on your phone for every 5 minutes. When it goes off, press the control key + s, it’ll save your paper. You’ll thank me later for that one.

When studying a book or paper, place a piece of your favorite snack after every paragraph. It’ll be a good reward, and push you to study. Don’t let it rush you though.

If you really want breakfast, but you’re running late as it is, just make eggs in the microwave. Get a mug and spray the inside with cooking spray. Crack two eggs into the mug, and add whatever you want to it (cheese, peppers, mushrooms) and a little bit of milk. Microwave it for 45 seconds, stir, then 45 more seconds. Done!

If you’re feeling overly stressed after school, or while doing your homework, take a nap. Sleep is very important for your body, and we, as students, don’t get enough of it.

Try out different study techniques. For me, different classes require different study skills. Try out flash cards, songs, or just rereading everything.

Take notes on everything. Unless the teacher specifically says, “don’t take notes,” take notes! Especially if the teacher writes something down on the board or makes a PowerPoint on it.

Don’t procrastinate! It’s the kiss of death for students everywhere. We all may believe that we can procrastinate on everything, but really it just makes your workmanship suffer, and stresses you out beyond belief.

If you tend to get distracted by your phone while trying to do homework, turn off all notifications. It may be tough, but to get things done, sometimes you need some tough love. Also, listen to classical music, it’s been proven to help with memory.

Drink water right as you wake up. It’ll help wake you up faster than coffee would, especially if it’s cold. Plus, no caffeine crash.

Talk to your teachers every day. Make sure they understand if you need help with something, or just to tell them that you enjoy their class. It helps both of you succeed. Also, find out their teaching style so that you can better figure out your learning style for that class.

Plan out times for everything. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but make sure that you have time for both learning and fun. Always have a good balance of the two.

Always think of your goals in life. High school can be a difficult and confusing time, but picturing your goals will help you remember that all of it is worth it in the end.

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