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How to Cope With Bullying

You, at one point in your life or another, have probably been bullied before. Bullying can be in physical forms or mental. Some bullies can be relentless, not stopping for anything.

Some bullies don’t even need a reason to bully someone, they just do. Don’t focus on the messages that the bully is sending, just keep your mind above it. Keep your mind on other things, center around the things you enjoy.

Walk away if the bully approaches you, the faster you do, the less time they have to taunt you. Talk to an adult, they usually have better ways of handling it than the way you are. Try to think from the bully’s perspective, there is no excuse for bullying, but maybe they’re going through something and are trying to cope in the wrong way.

Try not to get too upset, bullies feed off of emotion and love when it boils over. Try to recognize how absurd some of the things that the bully is saying, some of their insults may not be as well-thought out as you first thought. Attempt to find the people who truly love you, and spend time with them instead.

Express to others, in a safe environment, how you’re feeling about the whole situation. Focus on the positive rather than the negative. Don’t be ashamed that you’re going through this, plenty of people do.

Get help, don’t allow yourself to fight this alone, don’t be afraid of others assistance. Possibly bring it up to the bully’s parents, it will be difficult for them to learn this news, but hopefully they’ll handle it correctly. Bullies can learn behaviors from others, so take a look around them at their choice in friends and their family members.

See if the bully talks negatively about any other people, you, most likely, are not alone. Educate yourself on bullying, make sure you know enough about it to diagnose it. Try your best to, once you get home, destress from what has happened.

See if the bully plays any violent video games or watches any violent shows, they could be teaching them that violence gets rewarded. Try to defend yourself, but remember, never resort to violence.

Bring it up to your parents, it doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable conversation, they are your parents after all. Try to avoid the bully, if they always bother you in on particular part of the hallway, keep away from that place.

Show that you’re a good person, they’ll feel worse about it if they know you’re a kind human being. Don’t let it affect your life, and especially not your health. Don’t let the bully scar you for the rest of your life, physically or emotionally. Physical bullying and emotional harassment are both terrible things to go through, don’t allow it to continue any longer than it has to.

All bullying situations can be different, so some need to be handled differently than others. Nevertheless, never let it get to a point where you feel like you can’t get through school, or even life, then, it has gone too far. Get help immediately if that happens, even if it’s just calling one of these hotlines:

Crisis Call Center 800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week

SPEAK UP 866-SPEAK-UP (773-2587) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week

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