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20 Questions: Student VS. Teacher

Student: Aleli Duran

  1. Birthplace: St. Joseph’s hospital.

  2. What did you want to be when you were younger: Either an Astronaut, biologist, or mad scientist.

  3. Favorite food: “I guess Colcannon.”

  4. Pet peeves: “The faucet dripping… it’s annoying.”

  5. Hidden talents: “I guess some singing, being caring.”

  6. Five things you couldn’t live without: “My identity, my family, my cat, school, and creativity.”

  7. Random fact about you: “I play piano.”

  8. Favorite movie: The Fifth Element.

  9. Favorite band/singer: Tally Hall

  10. Favorite book: “Oh boy, A Wrinkle in Time.”

  11. Worst fear:” I guess having everyone I know and love taken away from me…”

  12. What’s on top of your bucket list: To someday go zip lining.

  13. Cats or dogs: “Oh… why not both?!?”

  14. Favorite color: Probably grey.

  15. Any siblings: Just an amazing little brother!

  16. Play any instruments: “No, but I do play piano.”

  17. Anything you’re really bad at: Walking? Taking things personally.

  18. Favorite animal: “Oh man that’s a tough one… I guess lizard or Axolotl.”

  19. Pets: A cat named Lenka and a fish named Tally!

  20. Favorite flavor of ice cream: Mint chocolate chip.

Teacher: Rob Slater

  1. Birthplace: Aberdeen, Washington.

  2. What did you want to be when you were younger: Astronaut

  3. Favorite food: Pizza.

  4. Pet peeves: People driving slow in the fast lane or inattentive drivers

  5. Hidden talents: Noticing out of place things.

  6. Five things you couldn’t live without: Family, guitar, writing utensil, book, and music.

  7. Random fact about you: “I like ketchup on my sandwiches.”

  8. Favorite movie: Princess Bride or Original Highlander.

  9. Favorite band/singer: Tom Petty.

  10. Favorite book: Stranger in a Strange Land.

  11. Worst fear: Losing a child.

  12. What’s on top of your bucket list: Seeing Machu Picchu

  13. Cats or dogs: Cats

  14. Favorite color: Blue

  15. Any siblings: “I have three of them.”

  16. Play any instruments: Guitar and saxophone

  17. Anything you’re really bad at: “Keeping track of keys, and I’m forgetful.”

  18. Favorite animal: Pygmy Marmoset

  19. Pets: 3 cats

  20. Favorite flavor of ice cream: Real French vanilla

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