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Freshman Revived in a New Year

This article showcases some of the amazing sophomores we have here at windward. Some of the sophomore’s I got to interview were Grace, Laura, Aslinn and Colin. We go more in depth about them so keep following along as we journey through what there Windward life has been like for the past year.

Grace Wydur

Grace W. is one of the many sophomores here at Windward. Her pronouns consist of she and her. If Grace were to attend Hogwarts instead her house would be Hufflepuff. There are many things that she likes about Windward and her experience. For example her favorite class is Navigation. She also has a class she doesn’t exactly like which is English. Grace has goals and classes she wants to take. She would like to take psychology again. Something Grace wants to have changed here at Windward is having a longer lunch. She also wishes for Astronomy as an available course. There's a few things she wants to change and that's to be more evolved in after school things such as clubs like Rob's writing club. Her overall wanting experience of this year is to have a better one than last year even though it was good. Grace also wants better grades than what she got last year. She’s looking more forward to this year.

Laura Hawkinson

Laura H, a Ravenclaw we have here at windward. Her pronouns are he, she, it and they. A little insight about her that you should hear is her experience that she had freshman year. Her last year experince was one that she described as interesting. How she wants this year’s experience to play out is, unpredictable, but in a good way. So far she likes all her classes, but she says her favorite is media and would say her least favorite is history. Something she wants to see is a change in is people’s attitudes and better communication with teachers and students. Another thing she would like to see a change in is some of the classes that she would like to take in the future. She would like to take an art class. The class she is most wanting to have happen that isn’t would be art and make-up. The clubs she was a part of last year are Mock Trial and craft club. The clubs she wants to take part in now this year consist of Rob’s writing club and craft club. One other thing that she is looking forward to is showing off her creativity.

Aslinn Whitemon

Aslinn W. is one of the very many Hufflepuffs we have here at Windward. Her pronouns are she and her. Some insight about her that she shared was that her favorite class here is ceramics. She dislikes her history class. One thing she would like back here at Windward is choir and band class. Something she’s looking forward to this year is dance and her sweet sixteen birthday party. Her experience last year was pretty good minus a few mishaps that had happened along the way. Aslinn is wanting her experience this year to be better then last year. She’s wishing for lots of happiness and success for everyone. Something she wishes there was a change in is less bullying and people being less ignorant. She’s hoping to be in anime club and craft club. Last year she was part of top, anime club, craft club and music club. She would like to change a little of her last year experince and apply it to this year because she is a whole new person then she was last year and she's more open and happy about herself.

Colin Nancarrow

Colin N. is a Ravenclaw that belongs to the Windward High School community. His pronouns are he and it. Colin’s favorite class is ceramics. However his least favorite class is health. A class he wishes to take is algebra 2 this year. Something that he is looking very much forward to is playing music. He’s going to be joining a band called White Noise. Collin’s experience last year was very positive and exciting. He wants the same outcome this year as well as being more involved with school. Something he wishes for a change in is the overall effects of the community project’s to not just be an idea and then change to something else. He is wanting to join two clubs this year, Robotics and Mock Trial. He was part of Mock Trial last year and wants to keep the tradition going.

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