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The Difference Between Bisexual and Pansexual

Bisexuality is a very commonly known sexuality that represents a person’s attraction to both males and females. Though many already know what bisexuality is, very few know what pansexuality is and tend to get the two mixed up. For a brief description of bisexuality, bi stands for two; two serving for male and female. Sexual attraction to both is labeled bisexuality.

A description of pansexuality is a bit more complex. Relating back to bi, two, pan stands for panoramic –wide range. Because not everyone is born into one gender or identifies themselves as one gender, bi does not qualify to define this sexuality. Pansexuality means a person has a wide range of sexual attractions. They may be attracted to an intersexual person, genderfluid person, two spirit person, etc; the list goes on and on.

Many people get confused thinking it’s the same as bisexuality for the very reason that not everyone realizes there are more than two genders now. At the beginning of the 21st century, the LGBT community wasn’t well accepted. Because of this, labels began to form. Before, when sexuality wasn’t typically labeled, it wasn’t uncommon to have unspecific gender roles.

Next time you hear someone say they are “pansexual,” don’t ask if it is the same sexualityas bisexual. If you are confused, ask them for further description. The main problem pansexual people face are the arguments of difference between the two. Whether you understand or not, can relate or not, the real concern is acceptance.

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