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Defining Discrimination in the LGBT Community

Discrimination. Everyone knows what it is, and almost everyone has or will experience some form of it in their lives. Discrimination comes in many different forms, from hateful words to public shaming. The LGBT community has experienced all of these. Sometimes people don’t realize they are discriminating against us. They carelessly throw around words like “queer,” “fag,” or “tranny”. What people don’t realize is that when they use a word meant to describe a sexuality as an insult, they are discriminating against the entire LGBT community. People don’t understand that these are not just words. They can’t be brushed off because they’re offensive and hurtful to an entire community.

Being a cisgender cissexual is the most accepted sexuality. It is rare to see someone from the LGBT community bully or segregate someone who is cis, yet everyday cis people make contradistinctions between the LGBT community and themselves. We’re aware that Marriage Equality was legalized throughout the United States in June. Not everyone was pleased with this decision. Bellingham became well aware of this when a large group of cisgender, cisexual people outside Rumors held signs saying that the LGBT community are going to hell for being what they can’t change. Their accusations were like telling someone they have to change the natural color of their eyes to brown so that they will have the most dominant eye color. It isn’t possible, just like with sexuality.

There are many members of the LGBT community who attend our school. I have heard a few comments from different people saying things like, “I support people who are gay, I just think it is wrong,” and “being homosexual is unnatural.” These conversations can end up being very hurtful. Windward is supposed to be a bully free zone. To the people who have said that or similar things aloud, please keep your opinions to yourself because it makes people feel bad about themselves. To anyone who is part of the LGBT community, know that you are perfect as you are, and we accept you for who you are. If someone is bullying you, make sure to report it to a staff member. Everyone knows what discrimination is, but maybe we can work together to make sure that it doesn’t happen in our school.

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