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Dear Anne

Dear Anne,

“I am not part of A.S.B how do I directly get my ideas out?”


Dear A.S.Bewildered,

Have you tried talking to an A.S.B representative? If you are unsure of who the representatives are, just talk to the office or a teacher, they should have a knowledge of the A.S.B members. Also, every NAV has two people who represent their Navigation in A.S.B meetings, bring up your concerns with your NAV Reps. and they will gladly bring it up in the next meeting and get back to you. This could also be encouragement for you to run for A.S.B next year, then you can help others get their ideas out in the open.


Dear Anne,

“I don’t know how to talk to my crush. How do I talk to him, or let him know I’m interested?”

- Crushed by a Crush

Dear Crushed by a Crush,

Always remember the saying, what’s the worst that can happen? If you guys share a school together, or are even both in high school, talk about school. It’s something that every student has in common, favorite class, favorite teacher, maybe he can even help you study sometime. Don’t be afraid to make the first move, lots of guys like that, maybe he’s just as nervous to talk to you as you are to him.


Dear Anne,

“There’s this guy I like, but I think he’s gay. It just seems weird to ask, is it even OK to ask someone that? Help!”

–Little Miss Love Struck

Dear Little Miss Love Struck,

It’s hard enough to have a crush, but one with an unknown sexuality? That’s a doozy. While some people are fine being asked about their sexuality, others can take it the wrong way, even though it’s not at all an offensive question. Plenty of people Facebook stalk their crushes, and sometimes that can help you figure out more about your love interest. Lots of profiles do include sexualities, but who knows, maybe he’s confused about it himself. I would definitely suggest talking to him more, not necessarily about his sexuality, but just to get to know him as a person, feel around a bit, you’ll most likely find out soon enough.


Dear Anne,

“I need advice on how to pay attention in class.”

-Attention Defi- Squirrel!

Dear Attention Defi- Squirrel,

Do you get enough sleep at night? If you get less than 8 hours of sleep a night it can cause poor attentiveness during the day. It may be tempting to stay up all night distracted by Tumblr, or other social media, but don’t lose precious sleep over it. If you do get enough sleep, than try getting more exercise right before your class, get your energy out so that once you’re in class you can focus on the teacher and work.


Dear Anne,

“How do I know if I’m in an abusive relationship? How do I get out?”

- Abused and Confused

Dear Abused and Confused,

Simply asking this question is proof enough that the relationship is abusive. Even something as simple seeming as your partner accusing you of being unfaithful can be a sign of an abusive relationship. Some relationships that are interpreted by being simply clingy, can also show signs of abusive behavior. If the person has ever pushed you, shoved you, hit you, grabbed you, forced you into doing something you weren’t comfortable with, or insulted you purposefully, than you are in an abusive relationship. Tell an adult that you are comfortable around, a teacher, parent, or councilor. If the abuse was serious enough, or continues even when you are away from your abuser, then police might have to be involved.


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