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Ariannah's Declassified Freshman Survival Guide - Back to School Edition

We all know getting back into the flow of school is really hard. It can be even harder when you are starting at a new school, especially high school. 8th grade doesn’t really prepare you for the transition into high school, and you can even get what we refer to as, Freshman Whiplash. Freshman Whiplash is when you are used to little to no homework and not making many decisions, or not working very hard, to having everything matter. You have to choose classes that help you get into the colleges you want to get into, you get more homework because your classes are more intense, and every decision you make could possibly affect your future. So to help you get through your year(s) here at Windward we have made a Freshman Survival Guide.


  • It can be dangerous, you could fall over, break your back pack, or hurt other people.

  • You honestly only really need a few things:

A binder

Pens and Pencils

1 Spiral Notebook or Composition Book for each class

and always have your computer


  • Fall isn’t too far away, and we are finally at that weird time of year where it’s sweater weather in the morning but tank top weather by the afternoon. Bring a zip up hoodie or light jacket to school for these cases

  • Yes, it is September, but it is not yet fall. Hold off on the big jackets and new fall fashions


  • Make sure to always be caffeinated. If you don’t drink coffee, apples and bananas can work as a caffeinator if eaten in the mornings

  • Remember not to over do it.

  • Try to make Mondays Fundays; if it helps, plan something exciting for after school.

  • There are 52 Mondays in a year, take out summer break, monday holidays, and two more for spring and winter break and you only have 35 mondays to survive. (That’s just simple algebra)


  • Classes can be hard, if you are struggling, get a tutor or set a time to work one-on-one with your teacher

  • If you have friends in your class make a hand sign that will tell them you need help but not inform the entire class (talk to your teacher about this before hand. This can be especially helpful for people with social anxiety).


  • Make sure to take thorough notes, they go a lot further than you think, especially when it comes to tests or quizzes.

  • Write big, if you can’t read it, then it probably isn’t very useful.

  • Always write what the teacher says. If they say it twice underline it because it will most likely be on a test.


  • Mr. Vulic has tea in his classroom. Ask him if you can sit in there at lunch or something, have a cup of tea and take some time to calm down.

  • Have gum accessible, the constant chewing can help to relieve stress

  • In case of anxiety/panic attack think of:

5 things you can see right now

4 things you can touch right now

3 sounds you can hear right now, or you enjoy listening to

2 things you can smell around you, or like to smell

1 thing you can taste right now, or like to taste

Also, most importantly, make sure to make time for you. It is really easy to get stressed out. There are definitely upperclassmen that are willing to help you, and show you the ropes around getting through school. Remember we are here, we love you, and we support you through it all.

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